14100+ Facebook Applications So Far!

Tired of sifting through the endless lists of Facebook Applications just to find out they don't work when you install them or that they suck? My Blog attemps to provide honest reviews of Facebook Applications. The Good, the Bad and The Ugly! Check here first and see if their worth adding!

Add a comment to any of my App reviews and let me know if you agree with me or not! If you see one of your favorite apps is not listed then create a post telling us about it and maybe I will check it our and give you my opinion. Want to Exchange Links? Click here to submit your blogs info.

Thursday, January 31, 2008


Another game app, "Tycoon" is a type of business investment game with a twist. You start with $10,000,000 and earn extra cash by sending gifts to friends and by them sending you gifts. Use this money to "Invest". Once you invest in a business you must try and win ownership by getting the high score in a game of HiLow(cards game). If you get the high score the business is added to your Assets where you can leave it or cash it in for more cash to play with.

Little bit of skill and a little bit of luck involved, but a nice game app that will keep you occupied for a bit. So far I have 2 Hockey teams as assets, 80 million when I cash it out! Investments start at $1,000,000 and go up to $5,000,000. The higher the investment amount, the larger the value of the asset will be.

This game is so addictive partly due to the fact it can be so frustrating!The HiLow game can frazzle your nerves if your not careful. The HiLow part of the game also takes about 30 seconds to load so you'll need a bit of patience there.

If your one of my friends in Facebook, add the app and send me a gift!I'm also in the top 100 Facebook players, 60th at the moment. Check the top Hundred and see where I am now!

Team Lotto

This app not only gives you a chance to win money each week, you can also win if one of your referrals win! 5 levels down!

You get one free ticket each day. You must go and claim your ticket each day and you must have at least one ticket for the week to qualify for the draw. Each week, one winning ticket is randomly selected. The holder of that ticket will win half the jackpot payout. The other half of the payout is paid to other players above that player in the recruitment hierarchy. Up to a maximum of five players above the winning ticket holder will each get 1/5th of the remaining payout. If there are less than 5 players above the winner, the remaining jackpot will be added to the next draw.

For the few seconds each day it takes to get your ticket, this is a great application that may even make you some cash!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Link Page- Exchange Links

Want to exchange links? Post a comment here containing your website info and url and post a link to my blog on your blog. This helps us all with our search engine rankings.




Facebook App Crap!

Parking Wars!

Just came back from visiting my Brother and he introduced me to another addictive game application! "Parking Wars" is a great little game where you Park cars and earn cash. Each of your friends who have the app get their own street and they can give you a ticket if they catch you parking on their street illigally. Of course you can also ticket them if they park illigally on your street.

They start you out with 3 streets so you can get started playing right away even if none of your friends join, so don't be surprised if you see someone parked on your street who is not one of your friends.

The value of a parked car goes up over time. The longer a car is parked, the faster its value increases. In the first hour, a car earns $1 per minute, in the second hour it earns 2$ per minute, and so on. After 12 hours, a parked car will reach its maximum value ($5,560) and no longer increase in value.

Whenever you move one of your cars from one parking space into another you "cash it in" -- the car's current value is added to your score, and then it starts over again at $100 in the new spot.

Most parking spots have signs that limit which cars can legally park there.Sometimes you won't be able to find any legal spaces, but it's usually better to park illegally than leave a car unparked. Be aware -- occasionally, an existing sign will change into another type of sign while your parked there.

Whenever a car is parked in an illegal spot, the owner of that street can issue that car a ticket. The size of the ticket is equal to the car's current value, this amount is taken from the violator and given to the owner of the street. Ticketed cars are immediately towed and become unparked.

Because parked cars go up in value over time, choosing when to give a ticket can be tricky. The longer you wait, the more the ticket will be worth, but the greater the risk that the violator will move their car, taking the value for themself.

Your level is determined by how much cash you have. When you reach a new level you will be awarded with a new car to add to your collection. So what ya waiting for? Join Parking Wars!

Friday, January 25, 2008


Remember the classic strategy game Risk? This application is a Facebook version of the game and I must admit it is very good. You can play your friends turn by turn or you can play a live game with someone. Refer your friends and you get extra armies!

If you add this application, add me as a friend and challange me to a game!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Web Link

This a simple but cool little facebook application! It allows you to put a screenshot of your website on your profile. Your friends can click on the screenshot and be taken to your website.

That's about it for this application,simple but usefull tool that you can use to show off your website on Facebook! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

We Love Tim Hortons!

Being Canadian this app is close to my heart. Tim Hortons is a Canadian tradition and the main reason most of us are overweight! This app lets you send a virtual Tim Horton's coffee and items to your friends. The more items you give to your friends the more items you unlock and can send. You start off with a Coffee, then a Plain Timbit, then a Double Double, then a white Timbit.....

This is a fun little app that lets your friends know you are thinking of them. Might not mean much to you if your not Canadian though eh?

What are my favorite Tim Horton items in real life? Double Double Coffee and their Bacon Breakfast Sandwich! HMMMMMMM, Bacon!!(Homer Simpson Voice)

Funniest Person Contest

See if your the Funniest person among your facebook friends and other Facebook members. I'm the Funniest person among my Facebook friends so far! You earn points by referring others and via your friends voting for you.

Login to Facebook and try clicking this link and you should be able to vote for me. If not you can always add me as a friend and then vote via my profile page. Message me and I will in turn vote for you!

Vote for me!

Don't believe I'm funny? Here's a joke then:

How many Facebook users does it take to install a Facebook app? None as odds are the application install page won't load! Har Har!

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Click a Day for Breast Cancer

In keeping with helping others this Facebook application donates money towards free mammograms for women. A worthy cause as just about everyone knows someone who has been effected by cancer. Just in my own life I have lost both parents and a good friend to cancer, get this app and make a difference! I also have 2 friends that are breast cancer surviors,early detection helps which is why this application is so important!

This app requires you to click through a few pages, but its well worth it.

Spare a Click

This was my very first Facebook application and I still use it today. This Application helps feed starving children. Each click by you and your friends gives a meal to a child in an impoverished nation. This is made possible through the United Nation's World Food Program and Give Team. Such a simple act does so much! You may only click once per day per person.

Using this facebook application I have fed 140 children! You get points for inviting others. Points have no value except to recognize you as a contributer and show your contributer rankings against others using this app.